hey i found the meaning of Jehovah Mekoddishkem
it means the lord my sanctifier and i am the lord who sanctifies you.
it also means "come out from amongst them and be ye seperate
i just want to say that i have seen the hand of God and i have chosen to take the risk and trust God for divine health and prosperity and of course direction.
i need to trust someone and who better to trust than God.
gotta sign out...
The word of God is true
someone died of cancer recently nd i can only say that it is the grace of God that has kept me and my family
i have heard thoughts of others wondering why not my family, we have not had the most monies in recent times and it would be so easy to give up and become bad
...but not for the God who thought me important enough to go the cross for.
God thinks i am just too much. i am the apple of his eye and no boy, no man can ever
take that away from me
i am secure in his love. trusting! If you knew what it took me to trust God with my life and give him my heart, you will know i am a pretty difficult gal. what can i say? He won my heart.
i say mi corazon, my love, my lord, the keeper of my heart.
My all!
I love you beyond words, beyond this world
you are my destiny, my heart, nothing can seperate me from your love.