My healing is still intact amidst many battles...
Lord i love you so much.
My latest scripture i am standing on is...
1 pet 2 :24 "...who his own self bore our sins in his own body on the tree, that we being dead unto sin should live unto righteousness by whose stripes ye were healed"
I vibrate endlessly day in day out and i know its the anointing of God's spirit, i don't know what to do and so i speak the word of God.
I used to vibrate then too, before the other healing, my feet used to vibrate endlessly.
I just am convinced that God loves me too much. He loves me and i am glad that he does. Holy Ghost help me to continuously fellowship with your spirit.
I am so loved of God it humbles me. My sis is back from the psychiatric home she stayed at for 5 months.
she no longer talks or laughs but guess what i don't believe in the drugs as much as the drugs may work.
My trust is in the word of God that says that "he himself bare our sins on his body on the tree that we being dead to sin should live unto righteousness, by whose stripes we were healed"
Thank you Jesus cos you love me.
I am vibrating again but guess what even when i am not vibrating, i choose to believe that my healing is still present because the gifts and the calling of God are without repentance.
i want to say i love you lord